Cycling 152 Miles – Wales to Murrayfield

We asked Just Cycle Trustee and valued Volunteer Stewart McDowall if he would share his amazing cycling experience with us, which he completed for a great cause.

Congratulations on a remarkable achievement – over to you Stewart..

“I was asked to join the John Clark Motor Group team (the main sponsor for the cycle) from an old school friend, and with just under 2.5 weeks prep sounded like madness and a massive challenge. But knowing what Doddie and many others have went through with MND, 52 hours didn’t sound too crazy.

With not knowing the other riders and support members, I couldn’t have asked for a better team of guys to help us through the journey. Over 152 miles cycled through the centre of Wales, over the Yorkshire dales to Newcastle and round the east coast of the Firth of Forth , stopping at several rugby and football clubs providing food and drinks, the sense of togetherness was apparent.

The last 30 was by far the toughest miles I have ever cycled, but arriving at Raeburn place the sense of achievement was amazing. Cycling through to Murrayfield with 1000’s cheering you on will stick with me forever.

With the help of Just Cycles donating spare tyres, wheels and chains for us, this made doing the cycle easier knowing we had everything we needed in-case of a breakdown.

Reflecting now 2 weeks later and watching a YouTube video from one of the core group from the GCN (Global Cycle Network) it was an amazing to be a part of it all and raise awareness and funding for Doddie, his family and the wider MND community.

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